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Beautiful Vector Art Banner about Gorilla Conservation and Community, commissioned by the University of Colorado and the Rwanda Documentary Fund

Illustrated Infographics

Hand-drawn Visuals to communicate complex ideas in creative ways!

Portrait of Julia Bakay, Keynote Artist, Graphic Recorder, Facilitator
Colorado State - Client of Julia Bakay Live Illustrator
ID Nuclear - Client of Julia Bakay Live Illustrator
HMI_Probation - Client of Julia Bakay Live Illustrator
international-water-association-organization - Client of Julia Bakay Live Illustrator
NHS  - Client of Julia Bakay Live Illustrator
World Without Orphans - Client of Julia Bakay Live Illustrator
Google - Client of Julia Bakay Live Illustrator

Dream big when it comes to visual storytelling!

​Let's give your message the impact you had imagined

Hand-drawn Journey Infographics for businesses, how organisations can use visuals to solve problems

You bring the content &
pick a style, I'll link and illustrate your ideas in fun & logical ways

Building these
Illustrated Infographics is a collaborative process

It's a fun, 1:1 creative service that also includes a few rounds of edits to make sure you get everything you were looking for!

Visual Summary of World Without Orphan's work - hand-made illustration - graphic storytelling

Tell your story with

Hand-drawn Infographics

Diverse Meditating People Flat Vector Graphics Illustration
Hand-drawn Illustrations Infographic for HMI Probation
Illustration, animals and jobs, funny visual metaphors

Infographics in a Visual Note-taking Style

Martin Luther King's Famous I have a dream Speech Illustrated - Hand-made Visual Notes

Applying a 'Visual Note-taking' style to your infographics can be a great, captivating way to get your message across!

Dartboard - HM Inspectorate of Probation - Explainer Illustration

Strategic Visuals

Are you looking for a Strategic Thinking Partner to work with?

Creating these graphics is a form of Graphic Facilitation, a unique opportunity to think and talk it all through with a Visual Thinking Expert

The Evolution of an Infographic

Infographic Creative Process

Drafting the Content and Layout

Refining the Linework

Coloring the Graphic

Exporting in
Various Formats

Between each of the Infographic Stages above, 
you get a chance to suggest edits and give feedback.

The pricing of this type of visual storytelling is quite flexible,
as they can be tailored to suit your budget!

How much does an Illustrated Infographic cost?

Some of the key factors which will influence pricing are...


  • The length and the source of information (e.g., conversations or written documents)

  • The number, size and format of the illustrated graphics

  • The type of artwork (e.g., fully vectorized or raster art) and the preferred art style

  • Your desired budget

  • Your organisation (discount for returning clients)

Artistic Infographics

A special project commissioned by the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
These large prints are now decorating the hospital walls while sharing information about the great work happening there!

 - Wall Art for the NHS -

Spiritual England-English Meadow-by Juli
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